PBN Hosting: Guide to Private Blog Networks - CHAPTER 3
Today we are rounding out our famous SEO Hosting Guide to PBNs (Private Blog Networks) with Chapter 3.
As you'll remember, last month we released fully updated Chapters 1 and 2 — and today we're bringing the entire PBN Hosting Guide to a strong finish.
All 3 chapters are now completely up-to-date with the most recent, most powerful SEO techniques that will help you rank your websites in 2020.
👣 You're going to love our Chapter 3: How to Prevent Footprints.
In this third and final chapter, you'll discover:
- What exactly are PBN footprints?
- Why are footprints bad for your rankings?
- How to avoid website-related footprints?
- How to avoid content-related footprints?
- How to avoid backlink-related footprints?
- How to effortlessly rank your websites for profitable keywords
I've said this before, and I'll say it again: For me, PBNs have been a huge factor in my own SEO success for years now. When used right, PBNs truly are magic.
So make sure to check out the final Chapter 3 right here:
Chapter 3: SEO Hosting Guide to PBNs (Private Blog Networks)
This guide is completely free for users of Spin Rewriter — because we truly want you to succeed!
Have fun dominating the first pages of Google! 😃
Happy 9th Birthday, Spin Rewriter!
🥳 Today we are celebrating — Spin Rewriter just turned 9 years old! 🥳

I can't believe it's been 9 years since we launched the first version of Spin Rewriter all the way back on September 14th, 2011. And when I say "we", I mean me, myself and I. 😆
At the time, Spin Rewriter was an absolutely tiny operation, with me spending month after month behind my computer screen, coding away all those endless nights until the birds started to chirp — as their way of telling me I should probably consider going to bed.
Still — in a very unique and very exciting way, that was a truly magical time and I genuinely had tons of fun creating Spin Rewriter!
And everything that has happened since those humble beginnings has definitely surpassed my wildest expectations.
We've been growing our team, working hard, innovating and doing everything we can for 9 years since — and our 158,000 users have rewarded us by truly enjoying Spin Rewriter, sending us amazing feedback and achieving amazing SEO results with it.
I literally couldn't be more excited about what the future holds for Spin Rewriter — so let me take this opportunity to say:
To Spin Rewriter: Happy 9th Birthday!
And to our amazing customers... You guys are truly THE BEST! 🎉
WordPress plugin was just updated
Our official Spin Rewriter WordPress Plugin has just received an update.
We rolled out an updated version (version 2.9.5) of the plugin this morning.
In order to update the Spin Rewriter plugin on your WordPress websites to the latest version, you should log into your WordPress Admin panel, go to Plugins, and then click "Check for updates" next to your currently installed Spin Rewriter plugin. Once you get the message that there's an updated version available, simply confirm the update and your plugin will be instantly updated to the latest 2.9.5 version.
The newest version includes a number of under-the-hood updates that make the plugin even more robust and ensure that it doesn't generates any "Notices" inside your server logs, let alone any "Errors".
Go try it out now, it's pretty pretty cool! 😃
For more posts, check out the Monthly Archives.
Our blog posts let our users stay up-to-date with all of the updates here at Spin Rewriter. This way you can discover all of the latest features — so you can try them out and tell us what you think.
We really appreciate all of your feedback — thank you!