Spin Rewriter 10 is just two weeks away
Just 14 days to go...
The next, big, HUGE new version of Spin Rewriter, version 10, is coming in exactly two weeks.

Spin Rewriter 10 launches on 10/10. Perfect.
And version 10 is quite possibly the single most important version we ever launched. Seriously. Ever.
We've put even more effort into this version than we usually do. We usually give 110%. This time we gave 120%.
Let me put it this way... I left the office last night at 2:15am. And I wanted to stay and do some more stuff, because this is just TOO exciting. 🤩
Why is this going to be such a hugely important launch for us?
Because with version 10, Spin Rewriter is entering a new design era. 😍
It's leaving the "2010 design" behind and entering (quite proudly!) the 2020s.
We've worked with world-class designers and UX experts, and the result is absolutely amazing.
Watching people use Spin Rewriter for the first time ever is now an absolute delight. It's so intuitive. We could not be happier.
We absolutely can't wait to show you what we've been pouring so much love and hard work into!
2 weeks left... 😃
Happy 8th Birthday, Spin Rewriter!
We're celebrating today — Spin Rewriter just turned 8! 🥳

I absolutely can't believe how quickly they grow up... 😳
I remember launching the first version of Spin Rewriter like it was yesterday. It was a beautiful, sunny Wednesday. The date was September 14th, 2011.
Looking back — for me, personally — launching the first version of Spin Rewriter was likely the most stressful time of my life. But it was also a wonderful and magical time, all at once.
The reason Spin Rewriter made such an enormous splash at the time was quite simple — it was the first intelligent article spinner the world had ever seen. Back in 2011, it was the first software that could tell the difference between "book" as in "novel", and "book" as in "make a reservation".
I know, I know... We take these things for granted nowadays. But in every single year of its life, Spin Rewriter has only gotten better, more capable, and more popular.
We've kept working really hard all these years, doing everything that needed to be done to keep our 158,000 users happy.
And what's most important — to me! — is the fact that our amazing users have kept sending us incredibly positive feedback all along.
So let me take this simple opportunity to say...
To Spin Rewriter: Happy 8th Birthday!
And to our amazing customers... You guys are truly THE BEST! 🎉
One month until Spin Rewriter 10!
We are just 30 days away!
The next, big, HUGE new version of Spin Rewriter, version 10, is just a month away.
Spin Rewriter 10 launches on 10/10.
Yes, that's October 10th!
Interested in promoting the launch? The JV Page is waiting for you right here...
We can't wait to show you what we've been pouring so much love and hard work into!
30 days left... 😃
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We really appreciate all of your feedback — thank you!