Spin Rewriter gets its redesign TOMORROW! :)

We're in the final stages of launching the biggest Spin Rewriter redesign since, well, ever. 😃

Our in-house testing shows that the improvements are MORE than significant.

Beta users do the same work 15-20% faster, working areas are now up to 60% larger, answersto the most frequent questions are always waiting for you when you need them, and so on and so on. 😃

We're really excited about this — and we hope you will be, too. 😃

Less than 24 hours to go ...

Spin Rewriter redesign on the horizon

We've been quietly working — and working HARD — for the last couple of weeks, polishing Spin Rewriter's new design.

Our goals are absolutely simple:
  • cleaner interface
  • better readability
  • improved user experience
  • faster and more responsive website in general
Stay tuned, we might publish a teaser or two in the following days ... 😃


We're doubling our CPU power tomorrow

It's that time of year again, it seems. 😃

We have been signing up hundreds of new users each week for a looong while now, and it's time for us to upgrade our server grid once more.

Tomorrow at 5 AM EST (New York time) we're going to carry out one of our biggest technical updates, ever — we will more than double the processing (CPU) power of our infrastructure, we'll switch to faster memory chips and we'll also increaste the speed of our I/O devices.

What does this mean for you, our wonderful users? Well, right off the bat it — sadly — means about 10 minutes of downtime. After that, however, you will be able to work with Spin Rewriter, Spin Distribute and our other advanced online services even faster and more reliably.

We're quite excited about this — and I hope you are, too. 😃

For more posts, check out the Monthly Archives.

Why are we publishing all these updates?
Our blog posts let our users stay up-to-date with all of the updates here at Spin Rewriter. This way you can discover all of the latest features — so you can try them out and tell us what you think.

We really appreciate all of your feedback — thank you!