Merry Christmas!

It's that magical time of the year — and with it comes the perfect time to look back at the year we've had.

I'm incredibly glad to say 2023 has been a wonderful year for us here at Spin Rewriter. We hope it's been a wonderful year for you, too. ❤️

And with this in mind, let me wish to all of you:

🎅 Have a very Merry Christmas! 🎄

Whether you're celebrating Christmas or not, I hope this holiday season fills you with peace and happiness.

I truly hope that you'll be entering 2024 with renewed enthusiasm and I hope you spend these final days of 2023 surrounded by people you love and in good health.

Happy Holidays from our entire team!

🎄 🎉

Better safe than sorry

I'm sure this has happened to you before:

You spend a considerable amount of time working on a project. Then you click something by mistake, or make the wrong gesture on your trackpad, and — before you know it — you have suddenly lost an hour worth of effort.

The browser navigates to a different page, and what you've worked on is simply... gone. 😬

And then you click the Back button with that lump in your throat, only to get exactly what you didn't want to get: You're taken to the previous page and it's frustratingly blank.

Well, that's an experience we've all had — but hopefully not with Spin Rewriter. Because headaches like this are exactly what we have always wanted to prevent. We genuinely value a good user experience above most other things.

And today I'm super happy to announce that we've just rolled out yet another feature that makes the UX of Spin Rewriter AI even better.

We now always double-check with our users if they really want to leave Step 1 while they have the "Rewrite Paragraphs with AI" dialog window open. This way it's impossible for you to lose any unfinished progress, even if you happen to click the wrong button or swipe "back" on your trackpad by mistake.

Now, usually I end these posts saying that I hope you like this particular new feature. But in this case, I hope you never notice it exists — which means you'll be as productive as humanly possible with Spin Rewriter AI. Happy rewriting! 👍

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Why are we publishing all these updates?
Our blog posts let our users stay up-to-date with all of the updates here at Spin Rewriter. This way you can discover all of the latest features — so you can try them out and tell us what you think.

We really appreciate all of your feedback — thank you!