API Documentation

Spin Rewriter API technical documentation makes integration a breeze.

Every API request should be sent as an HTTP POST request.
Every API result is always returned in JSON format.

URL for API requests:

HTTP POST request specification:

POST Field Name
included with every request
The email address that you're using with Spin Rewriter.
included with every request
Your unique API key. Available inside your account.
included with every request

possible values:
The action that you're requesting from the Spin Rewriter server.
api_quota: returns the number of made and remaining API calls for the 24-hour period
text_with_spintax: returns the processed spun text with spintax
unique_variation: returns a unique variation of processed given text
unique_variation_from_spintax: returns a unique variation of already spun text
included with all "text_with_spintax", "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests
Your original text that you wish to rewrite or spin. This text will be analyzed by our software, its meaning will be extracted, and Spin Rewriter will rewrite it with synonyms for individual words and phrases.
optional parameter

default: (empty)
A list of keywords and key phrases that you do NOT want to spin. One term per line, i.e. terms are separated by the "\n" (newline) character.
optional parameter

possible values:
» false   (default)
» true
Should Spin Rewriter automatically protect all Capitalized Words except for those in the title of your original text?
optional parameter

possible values:
medium   (default)
The confidence level of the One-Click Rewrite process.
low: largest number of synonyms for various words and phrases, least readable unique variations of text
medium: relatively reliable synonyms, usually well readable unique variations of text (default setting)
high: only the most reliable synonyms, perfectly readable unique variations of text
optional parameter

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter also spin single words inside already spun phrases?

If set to "true", the returned spun text might contain 2 levels of nested spinning syntax.
optional parameter

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter spin complete sentences?

If set to "true", some sentences will be replaced with a (shorter) spun variation.
optional parameter

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter spin entire paragraphs?

If set to "true", some paragraphs will be replaced with a (shorter) spun variation.
optional parameter

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter automatically write additional paragraphs on its own?

If set to "true", the returned spun text will contain additional paragraphs.
optional parameter

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter automatically change the entire structure of phrases and sentences?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will change "If he is hungry, John eats." to "John eats if he is hungry." and "John eats and drinks." to "John drinks and eats."
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter use only synonyms of the original words instead of the original words themselves?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will never use any of the original words of phrases if there is a synonym available. This significantly improves the uniqueness of generated spun content.
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter intelligently randomize the order of paragraphs and unordered lists when generating spun text?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will randomize the order of paragraphs and lists where possible while preserving the readability of the text. This significantly improves the uniqueness of generated spun content.
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text with the help of an AI LLM model?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by applying an AI LLM model that has been fine-tuned on best-performing SEO content.
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text by adding common typos?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by introducing some common typos, e.g. "teh" instead of "the".
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text by adding common misspellings?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by introducing some common misspellings, e.g. "seperate" instead of "separate".
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text by adding common homophone confusions?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by introducing some common homophone confusions, e.g. "there" instead of "their".
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text by adding common capitalization issues?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by introducing some common capitalization issues, e.g. "JOhn" instead of "John".
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text by adding common punctuation issues?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by introducing some common punctuation issues, e.g. "Ive" instead of "I've".
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text by adding repeated letters and words?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by introducing some commonly repeated letters and words, e.g. "that that".
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter humanize the text by adding common spacing issues?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will make the generated spun content more human-like by introducing some common spacing issues, e.g. two spaces after a comma.
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter automatically enrich generated articles with HTML tags for headings, lists with bullet points, etc.?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will add HTML code for headings (<h1>, <h2>) and lists (<ul>, <li>) that it detects in generated articles. This improves the readability of generated spun content.
optional parameter with "unique_variation" and "unique_variation_from_spintax" API requests

possible values:
false   (default)
Should Spin Rewriter automatically convert line-breaks to valid HTML tags?

If set to "true", Spin Rewriter will convert all line-breaks (newline characters) in generated unique articles into valid HTML tags (<br>). This lets you publish HTML code of generated unique articles without any additional work required.
optional parameter with "text_with_spintax" API requests

possible values:
{|}   (default)
The spintax format of the returned spun text.
{|}: the {first option|second option} spintax used (default setting)
{~}: the {first option~second option} spintax used
[|]: the [first option|second option] spintax used
[spin]: the [spin]first option|second option[/spin] spintax used
#SPIN: the {#SPIN: first option || second option #} spintax used

JSON response specification:

Field Name
included with every response
This can be either "OK" or "ERROR", depending on the success of your request.
included with every response
One of the following: spun version of given text, unique variation of given text, API quota description, error description.
included with every successful response
The number of API requests you have made in the last 24 hours.
included with every successful response
The number of remaining API requests that you can still make within the 24-hour period.
optional information
The list of protected keywords and key phrases that were used while processing your text.
optional information
The confidence level (low, medium or high) of the One-Click Rewrite process.

Spin Rewriter API Limitations:

Spin Rewriter API comes with some limitations that allow everyone to use it reliably and without unwanted delays. At the moment you can make up to 500 API requests per day.

You should also do your best to give our API servers some rest between multiple API requests from the same application. Ideally you should make sure your individual API requests are spaced at least 7 seconds apart.

You can only submit entirely new text for processing once every 7 seconds. That's because each API request relies on the meaning-based Spin Rewriter ENL Semantic Rewriting technology that requires 40-100 times as much processing power as the more basic approach used by our competitors.

You can generate unique variations of already processed text every second though.

How to get started in 5 minutes?

Check out our collection of working API code samples. Once you see the code in action, you will feel right at home and you'll be ready to start integrating Spin Rewriter's ENL Semantic Rewriting technology into your application in no time.