Today we're bringing you yet another video tutorial! 📹

Spin Rewriter offers fully automated article rewriting through our powerful One Click Rewrite option — but we're not just about that!

Some of our users want more creative control over their process. And for those of our users, we're happy to also provide a seriously powerful manual spinning option! 💪

Today we'll take a look at how you can manually spin your articles (on the level of individual words and phrases) with the help of Spin Rewriter. Spin Rewriter can still make all of the suggestions for you, but it's up to you to pick which ones you want and which ones you don't. Plus, you'll discover how to use some advanced features (also shown in this tutorial video) that will speed up your process.

Check out how Spin Rewriter can help you with manual spinning (if that's your jam):

Don't forget: This video tutorial also includes a number of advanced features that will seriously speed up your rewriting process — even if you're looking to do things manually. 👍

And, as always, we also have a full collection of video tutorials available here... Enjoy!

Published on: November 3rd, 2021

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