Another year is slowly saying its goodbyes.

By my count, this has been the third very unusual year in a row now. With the strangeness of the pandemic times now finally receding, 2022 did its best to make up for it by bringing about the highest inflation in 40+ years, war in Europe and death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Not exactly the carefree year we were used to for a decade before 2019, then. Or maybe I was still too young and oblivious back then.

In any case — right now seems like the perfect time to look at the year that lies ahead. Hopefully with renewed optimism for what the future will bring.

And with that in mind, let me wish to all of you:

🎅 Have a very Merry Christmas! 🎄

Whether you're celebrating Christmas or not, I hope this holiday season brings you happiness and peace.

I hope you recharge your batteries for a wonderful 2023 and I hope you spend these final days of 2022 in good health, surrounded by family and friends.

Happy Holidays from our entire team!

🎅 🎄 🎉

Published on: December 23rd, 2022

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