We just rolled out another cool update. 🤩

When looking at your Archive of rewritten articles, each article is represented by a title. This title can either be generated automatically (usually from the first couple of lines of the article before it was run through Spin Rewriter), or it can be set manually by the user.

Now, if a user is setting custom titles for individual articles in their Archive, that's probably for a good reason! That user wants to be able to easily find this exact article in the future — probably among dozens of other articles he or she also has open at the same time.

So we've decided to significantly improve our UX when it comes to using custom article titles. 👍

From now on, when you open a finalized article, you'll see its custom title right there, in the middle of the screen of Step 3. And not only that — your article's custom title will also be included in the title of the web page, i.e. the text that's visible on the tab you have open in your browser.

In other words: You can now have dozens of articles open at the same time, and you'll be easily able to tell which article is which just by glancing at the tab titles in your browser. Or, if you're quickly switching between various articles, you'll see their titles very clearly in Step 3 where you're generating all of your unique articles.

Go check out this latest UX improvement as it's already live on our servers — and enjoy! 😃

Published on: January 25th, 2022

← Previous: Improved exports (now also in .pdf and Word .doc formats)

→ Next: A sweet new copy-to-clipboard button